Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sticks and Stones

Penn of Denn

There was a story in the paper recently, concerning a request by the Montreal police union. It seems that they want city council, to pass an ordinance making it illegal for members of the public to insult police officers. Two specific examples given, were the uses of the highly inflammatory slurs: "Pig" or "doughnut eater". I am not making the second one up.

Not wanting to cause distress to any of my Police Officer friends: Grow up people. Do you remember what your mother taught you: sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you.

Of course if the ordinance passes, freedom of speech considerations aside, there should be a complimentary one passed, making it illegal for police officers to insult suspects. No more referring to them as "Criminals" or "crooks" and the like. You know; what's good for the goose and all that.

Maybe we should just make it illegal, for anyone to insult anyone; everyone would have to talk and play nice.

As a start though, as God's people, maybe we should just listen to what the word of God tells us in 1Peter 2:17 and simply, respect everyone. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just Doing Your Job

Penn of Denn

It is quite the story. What could have been a tragedy, instead turned into a story that would be told and retold. The media was quick to dub it the "Miracle on the Hudson" and the passengers of US Airways Flight 1549 spoke with high praise of the professionalism of the flight crew. It was because the men and women, who manned the ill fated flight, did their jobs, that 155 people lived to tell the story. The media spot light has focused on pilot, Sully Sullenberger. And he did a great job; it would appear that he spent his life preparing for this event, having received his pilot's license at the age of 14.

He did exactly what needed doing and he needs to be commended and while I think he needs to be singled out for doing a great job, I'm not so convinced that he was a hero. He didn't risk his life to save the lives of others, he just did was what he was supposed to do. And if each one of us simply did what we were supposed to do, think of the difference that could be made. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Life Well Lived

Penn of Denn

Two weeks ago, I preached on the topic "Live Like You Were Dying" and last week I saw evidence of what that looked like. I was at the funeral of Captain J. Andrew Rae and the preacher used the phrase, "A life well lived." And I thought to myself: At my funeral, I want the preacher to be able to say that and have everyone else nod in agreement.

Although I didn't know Captain Rae personally, I do know his sons and as they spoke fondly of their dad, it was obvious that his was indeed "a life well lived." From all accounts, he loved his God, his family and his work and that indeed is a life worth emulating.

The question has to be: How do we live in such a way, that people won't have to lie at our funeral? And I think Jesus answered that when he told us: You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind and love your neighbour as yourself. And if you do that, than people will say nice things about you when you die. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stop The Pinching!

Penn of Denn

When the kids were little, we had a dog named Kato. After we had the pup for awhile, we discovered that while he was friendly with the rest of the family, every once in a while he would nip two year old Deborah. Nobody else, just Deborah. Without warning, we would hear a scream and Deborah would inform us that the dog had bit her once again. We would scold the dog and life would go on. Truly a mystery.

Then one day, Angela happened to observe Kato and Deborah sitting on the stairs, when suddenly Deborah reached over and pinched the dog. Kato immediately snapped at Deborah and she screamed that the dog had bit her. The mystery was solved and we stopped scolding the poor dog. After awhile, Deborah learned that the dog didn't like being pinched anymore than she enjoyed being bit, so she stopped pinching him and he stopped biting her. An amicable solution.

Maybe the situation in the Middle East is that simple; when the Hamas stop pinching Israel, then Israel will stop snapping at the Hamas. And until that happens, it really isn't Israel that needs to be scolded. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.