Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Who Would Have Thought?

Penn of Denn

Wild fires in New South Wales, flooding in Queensland and the ice breaking up on Lake Erie. And to various degrees, tragedy accompanied the events; people died and property was destroyed. And people act surprised, but there is a bit of a pattern here. It's not like people are saying, "Wow wild fires in New South Wales, flooding in Queensland and the ice breaking up on Lake Erie, who would have thought?"

Those things happen on a fairly regular pattern in those places, like almost every year; maybe not to the extremes that they happened this year, but still.

And while the natural disasters may not have been able to have been prevented, some of the lives may have been spared if people had of heeded warnings. Instead, many waited until the last minute, not wanting to leave their possessions behind.

How often do people fail to heed the warnings about putting their spiritual life in order, thinking they have lots of time?

Not wanting to be a wet blanket, but the reality of death is even more certain than wild fires in New South Wales, flooding in Queensland and the ice breaking up on Lake Erie. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Believe in God and Enjoy life.

Penn of Denn

You have probably heard the news stories from Britain concerning the "British Humanist Association" bus advertising campaign. The project, which has attracted hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations as well as the support of prominent atheist Professor Richard Dawkins, has plastered buses across the UK with signs that say, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." And while Dawkins said that he would have preferred if the word "probably" had been dropped the BHA said they used the word "probably" because didn't want to appear dogmatic. That was nice of them.

I heard recently that a similar campaign will come to Canada and I have no problem with that. I love the freedom we have in this country, even the freedom for people to say things I don't necessarily agree with.

I don't think the church will see a great falling away but if it results in people talking about the existence of God and seeking him, it can't be a bad thing.

And if you have a personal relationship with God, that in itself should be a great reason to stop worrying and enjoy life. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.