Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Speaking the Truth

Penn of Denn

What would you be willing to give up to speak the truth?  Would you be willing to give up your life dream or would it be easier to say nothing?  Apparently for twenty one year old Carrie Prejean, it wasn't a question, or at least not one that deserved any thought. 
Ms. Prejean is the reigning Miss California.  During the recent Miss America competition, she was asked by one of the judges if the rest of the U.S. should follow Vermont's lead in legalizing same sex marriage. Her response was, "I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other, but in my country and in my family I think that I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offence to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."

Obviously not the answer the judges were looking for. The majority felt that she could have been more politically correct.
Asked if she would take back her statement if she knew it might cost her the crown, she responded by saying, "It's not about being politically correct, for me it's about being biblically correct." 

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Paying the Fine

Penn of Denn

I read a great article the other day about a man who insisted on receiving a speeding ticket. Seriously! Jim Fouts, who is mayor of Warren, Michigan, was pulled over last week on his way to city hall. Apparently, he was clocked doing 72 km/h in a 65 zone. The police office warned the mayor to watch his speed and let him off with a warning.

Most of us would consider it our lucky day or perhaps even our due. "Well, it was less than 10 kms over the limit and everyone does it." Not so Mayor Fouts, who worried all day about the warning, afraid it might be seen as favouritism. And maybe it was, or not.

So, he did what any of us would. He went to the Deputy Police Commissioner and demanded his ticket, and he got it. All one hundred dollars worth.

The mayor told the press that he, "had to set an example."

How many times when we have been confronted with our sinful behaviour, have we sought to justify or rationalize our behaviour? The great thing is, when we confess our sin, the fine has already been paid. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Say What?

Penn of Denn

I was sitting in my office annex the other day and was listening to folks use Canada's third official language as they ordered double doubles, triple singles and four by fours.  Which begs the question: is a coffee with four creams and four sugars still a coffee? But again I digress.

As I listened to the customers speaking in a code readily understood by those who served them, I wondered about the language we speak in our churches.

How often do we assume that everyone who comes through our doors on Sunday morning speaks the same language as we do?  And I'm not talking about English.

I have to remind myself from time to time that not everyone understands "churchy" language. Part of my job is to act as a tour guide, as I lead people to catch a glimpse of the eternal.  And part of that job is occasionally acting as a translator, translating "Christianese" into everyday English.

If you get the wrong coffee because of a miscommunication, that's a mistake that can be corrected. If you miss eternity because of a miscommunication, that is a tragedy and it's forever.

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Penn of Denn

I love the diversity of God and God's people. I had the privilege of worshipping with the folks at Full Gospel last Saturday evening during one their dedication weekend services. In Australia we had a saying. "They are as different as chalk and cheese." After worshipping around the corner, I can truly say that Full Gospel and Cornerstone are as different as chalk and cheese. Isn't that great!? But for all our differences there are many things we have in common and many passions that we share. We love and worship Jesus and we want to touch as many people as possible with His gospel and His love.

At Cornerstone we often say that we are here to help depopulate hell, and the reality is, we can't do it alone.

I celebrate the diversity of the body of Christ because Full Gospel Church will reach folks who would never feel comfortable worshipping at Cornerstone or listening to Denn preach. And so I'm thankful that the pastor and people of Full Gospel have made the sacrifices they have made to help us fulfil our task of helping to depopulate hell. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring is in the Air

Penn of Denn

    I am presently working toward a compilation of the best of the "Penn of Denn." It will include three hundred of my favourite columns and should be ready in the Fall. Perfect for that Christmas gift for the person who has everything. But I diverge.

As I read through the years, I was amazed that every Spring I wrote at least one "Penn" wondering where Spring was. Bizarre. One would think that after having lived most of my adult life in Nova Scotia, I would know that March 21st is simply a date on a calendar.

But every year Spring does come. And it will come again this year. We might not know what next week's weather will bring ,but we have not just the hope of Spring, but also the knowledge that for as long as any one can remember Spring has followed Winter in Nova Scotia. That is just one more example of God being in control. And whatever Winter you are going through in your life right now, it too will have an end. So if you can trust God with something as important as Spring, surely you can trust Him with the rest. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.