Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What seems right isn’t always

So, a guy in France is being investigated, on the suspicion that he might have four wives, which in this day and age might not seem unusual. The difference is, he has them all at the same time. Lies Hebbadj, is an immigrant from Algeria, and French authorities are having some difficulties with the case, as you can imagine.

The issue isn't whether or not he has four wives; he doesn't debate that at all, the issue is how he got four wives. If he married them in France, then he has committed an illegal act, however, if he married them in Algeria, not so much. The French system simply wouldn't recognize wives 2, 3 and 4, but with that being said, they would each qualify for state aid as single moms. Interesting.

Hebbadj defends his actions by stating, "As far as I know, mistresses are not forbidden, neither in France, nor in Islam." Come to think of it, mistresses aren't forbidden in Canada either. Kind of sounds like the statement in the Old Testament, where it is recorded, "Everybody did what was right in their own eyes." But that didn't make it right then and doesn't make it right now. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just Stop It!

Litter bugs me? I just can't get my head around it, what possesses people to just throw their trash on the ground? This time of year seems to be the worse and Tim's cups seem to be the greatest offenders, but that might just be perception, after all, their spring cups are red and easier to spot. Or maybe people get upset with having the opportunity to play again and out of frustration, they just throw the offending cup out their car window.

I understand that in some countries, they cane people who litter. I wonder if that would take provincial or federal legislation, to make that a law in Canada?

I don't litter, but I assume that those that do think, "Well, it's just one cup, or one can or one bag, what will it hurt?" And if it was just one cup or can or bag, it probably wouldn't hurt. But if you do it once, you will do it again and the point isn't that it's not much, the point is that it's wrong and irresponsible.

And, I suppose it's the same with whatever small sins litter our Christian lives and the answer is: just stop doing it. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sinners not Celebrities

What's with the Sandra Bullock, Jesse James thing? If you have caught any of the celebrity news at all, you have probably heard some of the story. Actress Sandra Bullock, who won both a Razzie and an Oscar this year, is estranged from her husband, celebrity mechanic Jessie James, after discovering he was guilty of multiple infidelities. Who did the man think he was? A professional golfer? What amazed me is how surprised and hurt she was, at the revelation of her husband's affairs.

This was, after all, his third marriage and she had met him while he was still married to wife number 2. Maybe it never crossed her mind, that Jesse might have a problem with commitment and there might be a wife number 4 out there somewhere.

The news has been filled with accounts of celebrities acting badly, but it is not limited to actors, athletes and politicians; we just hear about them because of who they are. The problem isn't that they are celebrities, the problem is that they are sinners, like all of us. And they don't need rehab nearly as much as they need Jesus, like all of us. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

When you’re Dead you’re Dead

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Two women were arrested the other day in England, for trying to smuggle contraband onto a plane flying from Liverpool to Germany. I know it happens all the time; someone tries to sneak a gun aboard an airplane or worse yet, 150 ml of mouth wash or shampoo, but this was different.

It seems that the women were trying to sneak a dead relative aboard the flight, seriously, I kid you not. The 91-year-old man was being pushed through the airport in a wheel chair, wearing sunglasses, when airport personnel got suspicious. You think? The two women were charged with failing to give notification of a death and released on bail.

The news account didn't provide a motive for the crime, but I'm suspecting that it probably had to do with the price difference of shipping a dead body, as opposed to a seat sale for a live body.

In the book of the Revelation, Jesus spoke of a church that was dead, but tied to pass itself off as being alive. That didn't work either. And apparently, it takes more than the appearance of life to make you alive, for airline passengers and for churches.

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.