What do you say when you've already said it all? It is interesting that Harold Camping and his followers have been conspicuously silent since the weekend came and went without all the true believers having come and gone. Not even an "oops" or "I'm sorry". And so millions of dollars were spent and who knows how many lives were disrupted and possibly ruined, Christianity as a whole was mocked and not even an apology. But the biggest injustice that was done was that the entire doctrine of the return of Jesus was mocked and ridiculed. And not just by unbelievers, we were guilty as well.
The reality is this: Jesus will return, the Church will be taken to be with Him and judgement will come upon the earth. And it won't be pretty. Sometimes I hear people say, "I can't wait until the rapture!" To clarify 1) You are going to have to. 2) that is an entirely selfish wish. When, not if but when, Jesus returns it will close the book on the chapter called grace and will open a new chapter called judgment. And Judgement will come on those we neglected to reach.
The rapture didn't happen last weekend but that doesn't mean it won't happen next weekend. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.
The Penn of Denn is written weekly for the family at Cornerstone Wesleyan Church. For more information on Denn and the Penn visit www.pennofdenn.com
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
There We Went. . . Not!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The End is Near (Again)
Camping obviously believes it and he has convinced others of the validity of his theories. His group has paid big bucks to have billboards with the news placed throughout the US, Canada and around the world.
Regardless of whether you view Camping as a prophet or a kook, you have to admire his commitment to what he believes. He has set himself up to be ridiculed and mocked and has spent an estimated 3 million dollars in the process; and why? Obviously it isn't to make money and win popularity. I would suspect that right or wrong, it is because he believes that it is important that people get right with God before it's too late. And that wouldn't be a bad thing for the rest of us to believe. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Not a Prophet but. . .
I don't really consider myself a prophet, but (there's that pesky "but" again) five years ago I predicted that once the same sex marriage legislation was passed the courts would have to deal with polygamy, and here we are.
For the past little while, the BC Supreme Court has been dealing with a case to determine if the ban on multiple spouses is constitutional. Who would have thought? I mean besides me? It's not that polygamy is something new, it has been practised by a break-away group of the Latter Day Saints for fifty years in Bountiful BC. Now we are hearing that it is a growing practice among Muslims in Toronto, and probably Halifax. But I'm pretty sure it's just that those who practiced it never really thought it was their constitutional right, but here we are. And if the court doesn't find in their favour this time, eventually it will.
According to a recent poll, when asked whether polygamy should be legal, just 15% of Canadians polled by Abacus Data said yes, 68% said no and 16% were unsure. I'm not sure but I would suspect those were probably in the same range for same sex marriage a decade ago, and yet here we are. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
So, Bin Laden is dead. For many people that is like being told the bogeyman is gone. The question now is; what will they fear at night? For ten years Bin Laden has been the face of those who hate America, but simply getting rid of the face won't change the opinion of others, it will only reinforce those opinions.
It was reported that President Obama said, "Justice has been done." Interesting.... I am pretty sure that the justice system in the US doesn't approve of breaking into your enemies' home, shooting them dead and then dumping their body in the ocean. Sounds more like the mob. That's not justice, that's revenge, so just call it what it is. However I would counsel you personally that before you head down that path you should remember the words of Nietzsche who said, "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
And if Nietzsche don't float your boat then remember the Bible tells us, "Never pay back evil with more evil, . . . Never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of the Lord." Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.