Thursday, March 28, 2013

You are praying for what?

I was talking to a friend the other day and they told me that they were praying that they would win the Rav 4 that Tim Horton’s is giving away. I would suspect that they aren’t the only one who is praying that their Rim will be the lucky one. The percentage of Canadians praying increases by 63.2 % during Roll Up the Rim (I made that up.)

I know that God cares about us and the Bible even tells us that he cares about the sparrows, and I know that God answers prayers. But seriously, how many Ravs would Tim Hortons have to give away?

I realize that God has an infinite ability to answer prayers, but I sometimes wonder if believers have a limited ability or desire to pray. And if that is the case, maybe the reason some folks find it hard to pray for the safety and salvation of their loved ones and for their church is because they’ve spent all their prayer resources on Tim Horton cups, sports teams and weather.

I don’t want you to stop praying, but maybe we need to refocus our prayers where they have eternal consequences and not just winning a truck that we did nothing to deserve.

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

First Day of Spring and Other Fallacies

Spring is here, spring is here, spring is here. I figure maybe if I use the word spring enough that maybe spring will come and warmer weather will spring forth, flowers will spring up and springs will thaw out. I just looked outside and it seems to be working.  In anticipation of  Old Man winter showing up on the first day of Spring, I was asked why I couldn't do anything about the weather and I said that I was in sales not management. (I know it's not original, but it’s still funny.)
I'm pretty sure that they taught us in grade two that March 21 was the first day of spring; which makes me wonder what other important stuff they misled me about.

If there is one thing I've learned after living in four countries on three continents is that you can't trust the weather.  One thing I’ve learned after having served the Lord for over thirty years is that you can always trust God. He loves us, cares for us and has only our very best interests at heart. Regardless of what it’s doing outside you can always rest secure on His promises.  And that ought to add a spring to your step even if the weather doesn’t. 

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.   

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

#blacksmoke #pope

Is it just me or is there more hype this time over the choosing of the Pope than in the past?  Every time I turn on the television or pick up the paper there seems to be another story about the conclave and the possible successor to Pope Benedict.  It must feel good as a Catholic to have so much positive press for a change.

Of course, in Canada there is much abuzz about the possibility of a “Canadian” pope and certainly Marc Ouellet’s name has been bandied around as a possible front runner.  I would think talk of front-runners kind of negates the role the Holy Spirit is supposed to play in the process.  But then again I heard the same thing the last time the Wesleyan Church was electing a General Superintendent, on a much smaller scale of course.

The interesting speculation is whether the Church electing a pope from Quebec would have any impact on the secularization of Canada’s most secular province.  I think God is hearing a lot of strange  voices because if you watch TV it seems that everyone in Quebec is praying for Cardinal Ouellet’s appointment.

But seriously, if they won’t go to church for Jesus they probably won’t go to church for Marc. 
Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.   

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Those who forget history, etc , etc

And so now we know how to change history and win an award.  Thirty years ago while at University I watched history unfold as Ken Taylor and the Canadian embassy staff in Iran masterminded and facilitated the rescue of 6 American embassy staff after the Islamic revolution.  It was called “The Canadian Caper.”  The United States publically declared their gratefulness and then gradually the entire episode was forgotten by the general public. 

Fast forward to 2012 and Hollywood produces a movie where Canada plays a very minor role and the CIA mastermind and facilitate the rescue of the embassy staff. Then the movie, Argo wins the Oscar for best picture & the First Lady announces the award  and the entire world has a new understanding of what “really” happened.  The movie may have changed perception but it didn’t change reality.  

Sometimes as Christ followers, we forget our history.  We think we masterminded and facilitated our spiritual rescue & that we were responsible for our salvation.  But we weren’t. It was God who was behind the plan to rescue us, and it was God who implemented the plan to rescue us and it was God who made the sacrifice to rescue us.
We were simply the rescued.

And regardless of our memories, that is the reality.
Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.