Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Too Pretty to Work.

I don’t like to judge, well sometimes I do but that’s a “Penn” for another time.  But, seriously, I read a story last week about Laura Fernee a scientist from London.  It appears that Ms. Fernee had to quit her job because of physical limitations…… actually it was because of her physical appearance.  She told reporters “The truth is, my good looks have caused massive problems for me when it comes to employment, so I’ve made the decision that employment just isn't for me at the moment.”  She’s not completely destitute though, Fernee's parents are covering her expenses including rent, gym membership and more than $2,300 a month in designer clothes. Good work if you can find it.

I probably can’t understand all that Dr. Fernee deals with, I’m not that pretty, but people all over the world overcome physical challenges.  When I think of a scientist who has persevered in spite of his limitations I think of Stephen Hawking, who’s not very pretty at all but still has lots going against him. 

Each of us will face challenges in life, perhaps not as daunting as Hawking or Fernee, but challenges nevertheless and the one person who will decide if we will quit or press on will be us.  Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.   

Thursday, May 23, 2013

You've Sent Mail!

Apparently, it was new technology for her and she was really struggling. I just happened to be there for her conversation with the support staff as she went over the process step by step. She wanted to make sure that she had done everything right and that the recipient would get her message.

I would have thought by now everyone would know how to send a message, but apparently not. At her age, maybe she had never used the technology before; who am I to judge?  Finally she seemed to get it right, so she paid for her stamp, stuck it on the envelope and dropped her letter in the slot. It happened the last time I was at the post office.

It’s amazing how something that seems so simple can be complex if you’ve never done it before, and it seemed as if this young lady had never “mailed” a letter before.
Sometimes we are quick to tell someone, “Just pray about it.” But if they’ve never done it before – regardless of their age – the process can seem daunting. So instead of suggesting that they just pray about it, maybe we should offer to pray for them so they can see how it’s done.

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

May the Force Be With Us

There are the same number of Jedi Knights as there are Wesleyans!  Well, that’s not entirely true, there are the same number of Jedi across Canada as there are Wesleyans in Atlantic Canada.  But still. . .    

They are in decline and while some are quick to offer up reasons, nobody is offering up solutions.  Those who have left speak about how they have outgrown their faith or talk about its lack of relevance.  Those who still embrace their beliefs would say that those who left never truly understood their religion, or simply didn’t have the commitment to see it through.  That would be the Jedi knights, not the Wesleyan, we are actually growing.   

In the last census, Statistics Canada discovered the number of Jedi Knights in Canada had fallen from a high of over 20,000 to slightly over 9,000.   It is interesting to note that the Jedi still outnumber some other religions.   According to Statistics Canada, there are more Jedi Knights than all the declared Satanists, Scientologists, Zoroastrians and Rastafarians combined.   But, if the downward trend continues that won’t always be the case. 

We have Wesleyan churches that are travelling in the same direction as the Jedi and unless we can find solutions instead of excuses. . .

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.   

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Who am I?

It just took two digits and all of a sudden I wasn't who I thought I was. The other day I was topping up my “Mac Pass” and the “customer service” rep informed me that either my pass didn't belong to me or I wasn't who I said I was. Well I knew the pass was mine, it had my phone number on it, so that only left one possible explanation. I wasn't who I thought I was.
I was just coming to grips with my new identity and was wondering where I lived and what I did for a living when the lady said “I'm sorry Mr. Guptill I typed your pass number in wrong.” Boy that was a relief.

And so I left the office the same person I was when I came in and that felt great.
Thirty two years ago I became a Christ Follower and my name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and I will never have to worry about being mistaken for somebody else when I stand before my Saviour. Nobody will type my number in wrong.
If your name isn’t in the Book then you really should take care of that before it’s too late.  Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.