Thursday, March 26, 2015

But we're not sinking.

We’ve been having a few leaks in the church building lately & actually that kind of minimizes the issue. If we were a boat we’d be sinking.  Ten years ago, as I watched the property being cleared and test pits being dug, I was in no way thinking about the building problems we might be having in 2015.  Instead I was visualizing the positive impact that having a building to call our church home would have on the small group who were gathering at the LeBrun Centre in Bedford for worship.  If I had stopped to focus and obsess about all the possible issues and challenges that might come with having a church building, we’d still be a small group gathering in the LeBrun Centre in Bedford for worship, if we were still here at all.
We aren’t the only building to be having water challenges in the spring of 2015 and in a little while the drips will stop and the damage will be repaired and life will go on.  
In spite of drips and ice build-up, because Cornerstone is here and has been in this building, there are lives and families that have been touched and eternities that have been impacted and that is worth a few buckets. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s here, it’s here! That time of the year that we all look forward to. The time of the year that we realize how lucky we are to live in this wonderful country and we can take the time to reflect on how blessed we are. That’s right... it’s “Tax Time”! What did you think I was writing about? Spring?  March 21st isn’t actually the beginning of spring, it is just an arbitrary date picked by some lunatic who never lived in Nova Scotia.
But tax season is a great time to be thankful. Seriously, if you have never visited a country in the developing world then you have no idea how privileged we are with our health care, transportation and political stability and most of those things are a result of the taxes we pay.
Don’t want to pay taxes? No problem, just don’t earn enough money.  I know folks that live like that.  So, we need to be thankful that we make more than the threshold, and that the CRA graciously allows us to deduct our giving to the church. Try that in most other countries. So this year instead of grumbling while doing your taxes, why not take a moment and breathe a prayer of thanks.  Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Here comes the Sun!

Have you noticed lately how much more daylight we are seeing. Each day it's getting light earlier and staying light longer and as Martha would say: That's a good thing.

Spring is not only an awesome time of the year but it's also a great metaphor for life. No matter how dark, cold and long the winter seems, spring will come.  And no matter how dark and cold life may seem, spring will come. Every night has a dawn, every mountain has a crest and every tunnel has an end, so don't quit. You may be just a few steps away from the resolution you’ve been looking for. 
There are times that it seems that nobody in the world has it worse than we do, but we don’t have to look very far to discover someone who would love to have our life and our problems instead of theirs.
I don’t know where you might be in your life or how cold and dark it might be, but I do know that God wants to be there with you and He doesn’t want you to have to walk through the dark alone. I also know that He won’t join you unless you invite Him to.   Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.