Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The worth of a life

What is a life worth?  Are some lives worth more than others?   Human decency would say that all lives are worth the same, and society in general and the media in particular would declare that any other view is racist. However, the truth is that we apparently place more or less value on lives depending on where they are.

Over the past few years we have seen the media coverage and outpouring of sympathy and support when there is a terrorist attack or mass shooting in the States or Europe.  Facebook profiles take on the various hues of national flags or rainbows, and when they don’t, the absence is neither noticed or commented on. 
This past weekend ISSIS targeted a square in Kabul, Afghanistan.   Thousands of the Shia Hazara minority had gathered to protest the fact that powerlines were bypassing their communities when two suicide bombers set off explosives.  80 dead, over 230 injured, and the silence of the world was deafening. 

There were no Facebook tributes, nobody changed their profiles, no national leaders stood to voice their support for the victims or their contempt for the villains. 

Sometimes we need to remember that the Bible says: For God so loved the world. . . not just parts of the world.

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How Fast is Too Fast?

Absolutely insane.  Last week a gentleman I know took me for a drive in his Ferrari, and it was absolutely insane.  I have never been in a car that would go from zero to crazy so quick.  I wasn’t sure if I was thrilled or terrified. 

Officially the car will go from zero to a 100 km/h in under 3 seconds, but unofficially it seemed a lot quicker than that.  We were driving on a back road and while I have driven faster I’m not sure that I have ever got to faster that quick. 

I won’t lie, the drive was a hoot and afterwards, when my pulse slowed down I realized how much like life the experience had been.

While being able to drive at speeds that are impractical and illegal may have a certain appeal, it is still illegal and impractical.  

Sometimes it seems that we are pursuing life and all of its pursuits at much higher speeds than is practical or safe.  And while the experience might be exhilarating at the time we have to ask ourselves, is it wise?  The Bible reminds us that Jesus often slowed down to step into the presence of the Father, and no doubt there is a lesson there for all  of us.  Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


--> I was reading an article on Cross Cultural Church Planting awhile back and came across a statement that read, “America has the second largest African American population next to Nigeria.” Now my first question was; how many African Americans do they have in Nigeria? It’s interesting how our language changes and we accept statements as correct even though they obviously aren’t.   
Not that the term African American is wrong, anymore than Irish Canadian or French Canadian would be wrong.  However to make that term inclusive to mean anyone of African descent seems to be a little condescending.  Sometimes we need to swallow our intense desire for political correctness and use the proper term.   

Often at Cornerstone we refer to those who don’t know Christ as pre-Christians, perhaps that’s why we don’t feel an urgency to reach them.  After all, how bad can it be just being a pre-Christian?  Perhaps it time to readjust our focus and realize that because they are pre-Christians they aren’t Christians, and because they aren’t Christians the Bible says they are lost, and because they are lost they will spend their eternity separated from a God they never knew. And maybe knowing that will break our hearts. 

--> Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.   

Saturday, July 2, 2016

We are Winning!

Well, another survey is out, showing that Christianity is losing ground and that church attendance is down.  But, depending on your perspective, we aren’t losing, we’re winning.  When you stop and think about it, every person who isn’t a Christian hasn’t been lost from Christianity, they just haven’t been won to Christianity yet.  

The starting place for humanity isn’t a relationship with Christ, the starting place is being separated from God, so every person who begins that relationship is a win for our side.  Does that make sense?

By default, the other side doesn’t have to do anything except try to keep us, the church, from doing it’s job; they only win when we stop doing what we’ve been called to do.

But when you stop and think about it, our job is easy, because all we’ve been called to do is be obedient.  And Jesus said that if we love Him, our natural instinct will be to obey him and that has to involve introducing people to Him.   

Regardless of what the survey says, every day in Canada, there are people who cross the line and commit their lives to Christ and that is a win.   Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.