What is a life worth? Are some lives worth more
than others? Human decency would say that all lives are worth the
same, and society in general and the media in particular would declare that any
other view is racist. However, the truth is that we apparently place more or
less value on lives depending on where they are.
Over the past few years we have seen the media
coverage and outpouring of sympathy and support when there is a terrorist
attack or mass shooting in the States or Europe. Facebook profiles take
on the various hues of national flags or rainbows, and when they don’t, the
absence is neither noticed or commented on.
This past weekend ISSIS targeted a square in Kabul,
Afghanistan. Thousands of the Shia Hazara minority had gathered to
protest the fact that powerlines were bypassing their communities when two
suicide bombers set off explosives. 80 dead, over 230 injured, and the
silence of the world was deafening.
There were no Facebook tributes, nobody changed their
profiles, no national leaders stood to voice their support for the victims or
their contempt for the villains.
Sometimes we need to remember that the Bible says: For
God so loved the world. . . not just parts of the world.