Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a Ride

Penn of Denn

Bonza! (that's Australian for awesome2). I had to travel to New Brunswick for meetings this week and as is my custom, I was renting a car for the trip. When I got to the agency, there was a brand new convertible in the yard, so I asked if they would give me a free upgrade. And they did! Bonza! I love convertibles more than I love ice cream, and I really love ice cream.

So here I am driving to New Brunswick, it's 25 degrees out, the roof is down, I have "The Boss" blaring over the stereo and I'm thinking, "it don't get better than this." It was then that I realized that I hadn't done anything to deserve it. It truly was an issue of grace, but if I hadn't asked, it probably wouldn't have happened. And then I realized that my entrance into heaven was going to be same thing. I couldn't have done enough to earn it, but I did have to ask to make it happen. And convertibles are fun for awhile, but heaven is eternal. And to get the upgrade, all you have to do is ask. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Walking the Walk

Penn of Denn

To walk where Jesus walked; wow that has always been a dream of mine (In case there are any dream fairies out there!).  I read an article the other day, about a company that is now offering GPS tours leading you along a 64 km trail in the footsteps of Christ, which is kind of a cool idea, but in reality just provides a little more high tech guess.  I may never get to Israel, but I did come across a great promise in the Revelation, that says there will come a time that I will be clothed in white and walk with Jesus.  And you know that Heaven will have to be a pretty special place, if Denn is able to wear white without getting something on it.  But until that time, while I may not have the opportunity to walk where Jesus walked, I have been told in 1 John 2:6, "Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus walked."  You catch that?  We are told to walk "as" Jesus walked, not "where" Jesus walked.  So the important thing is not the pilgrimage, but the lifestyle.  Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Friday, June 13, 2008


I’m confused, again or still or whatever. Last weekend, I read an interview in the paper with John Shelby Spong, who is an Anglican Bishop. What I’m confused about, is why he is an Anglican Bishop, or any kind of bishop for that matter. In the interview, it stated that Spong dismisses the Virgin Birth and denies God is a personal deity.

When he was asked about the divine nature of Jesus and God, Spong said, “Jesus represents a difference in degree, not kind, from the rest of us.” As for God, “Maybe the divine that we keep trying to describe as a parent figure in the sky, is the power of life that surges through the universe. Maybe it’s the love that enhances life. I’m trying to get us to see God outside the boundaries of human life.”

So, I’m thinking that Spong remains a bishop so he won’t have to get a real job and I guess you can’t blame him for that. But why would the Anglican Church have a bishop who denies the very essence of who they are? Or at least who they are supposed to be. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Confused Again

I’m confused, again or still or whatever. Last weekend, I read an interview in the paper with John Shelby Spong, who is an Anglican Bishop. What I’m confused about, is why he is an Anglican Bishop, or any kind of bishop for that matter. In the interview, it stated that Spong dismisses the Virgin Birth and denies God is a personal deity.

When he was asked about the divine nature of Jesus and God, Spong said, “Jesus represents a difference in degree, not kind, from the rest of us.” As for God, “Maybe the divine that we keep trying to describe as a parent figure in the sky, is the power of life that surges through the universe. Maybe it’s the love that enhances life. I’m trying to get us to see God outside the boundaries of human life.”

So, I’m thinking that Spong remains a bishop so he won’t have to get a real job and I guess you can’t blame him for that. But why would the Anglican Church have a bishop who denies the very essence of who they are? Or at least who they are supposed to be. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

We Win!

Well, another survey is out, showing that Christianity is losing ground and that church attendance is down. But, depending on your perspective, we aren’t losing, we’re winning. When you stop and think about it, every person who isn’t a Christian hasn’t been lost from Christianity, they just haven’t been won to Christianity yet.

The starting place for humanity isn’t a relationship with Christ, the starting place is being separated from God, so every person who begins that relationship is a win for our side. Does that make sense?

By default, the other side doesn’t have to do anything except try to keep us, the church, from doing it’s job; they only win when we stop doing what we’ve been called to do.

But when you stop and think about it, our job is easy, because all we’ve been called to do is be obedient. And Jesus said that if we love Him, our natural instinct will be to obey him and that has to involve introducing people to Him. Regardless of what the survey says, every day in Canada, there are people who cross the line and commit their lives to Christ and that is a win. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.