Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Watch the Signs

Penn of Denn

I read an article that Golden and District Search and Rescue Association, (GADSAR), a non-profit, volunteer based, search and rescue group from British Columbia, has suspended operations recently after being named in a recent lawsuit.

Apparently, Quebec skier Gilles Blackburn, is seeking damages after he and his late wife spent 9 days lost in the mountains, before GADSAR found them.

You have to understand, Blackburn and his wife skied off trail, in an area that was posted with warnings. His comment was "It is not unusual for experienced downhill skiers, familiar with expert runs, to ignore warning signs and to go off into unpatrolled areas."

It was a tragedy and there were mistakes made, but a deliberate decision was made by Blackburn and his wife to ignore the warnings and disobey the signs and it was that decision, that led to them getting lost.

Isn't it the same way spiritually? Some people deliberately choose to disobey God's direction and then they blame Him or the church for the situation they find themselves in. God is in the saving business, but we have to do our part and that is paying attention to the warnings. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


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