Sunday, September 13, 2009

Save a Life. . . or Two

Penn of Denn

Did you hear about the homeless man in Winnipeg, who jumped into the Red River and saved a drowning victim? Twice! It seems that Faron Hall was on the riverbank last week, when 19 year old Tara Beardy began to struggle with the current after diving into the eight metre deep water. The woman's cousin, who was unable to swim, realized that she was in trouble and tried to rescue her, but drowned in the attempt. Although Hall was able to rescue Beardy, he wasn't able to save 32 year old Chris Harper.
It was just this past May, that Hall was involved in a similar incident and was honoured by Mayor Sam Katz after saving a drowning teen. On hearing about the most recent incident, the mayor commented, "To save one person in your lifetime would be a remarkable thing to do, to do it twice within the period of a few months, that's just ... what can you say?"

You may never be able to save someone from drowning, but every one of us, as Christ Followers, has multiple opportunities to plunge in the river of everyday life and save someone's eternal life, if only we are willing. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


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