Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Don't Look Now

On the other hand, we are supposed to enjoy a complete eclipse in 2024. I remember the last time that happened, I was ten and Carly Simon wrote about it in a song. . .the eclipse, not me being ten.

And when you watch the sun being swallowed by the moon in 2024, imagine how frightening that must have been in the past when people didn’t know it was going to happen and then didn’t know it was going to unhappen.

But the sun was still there.  For a time it was simply blocked by something as insignificant as the moon.  And that was the result of circumstances not a testimony to the power of the moon.  The moon was still 430 times smaller than the sun.

God’s love is like the sun.  Sometimes circumstances in life seem to eclipse the love that God has for us, but it’s still there and it’s still so much greater than any moon that might pass between it and you. And regardless of the circumstances, God’s love for you is still powerful and present and eventually the shadow will pass.
Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

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