Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Sense of Entitlement?

Sometimes we hear folks describe the youth of today as having a “sense of entitlement”, but that really isn’t anything new.  I’m sure Adam and Eve had that discussion about their children and Socrates must have had that in mind over two thousand years ago when he wrote “Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households.”
But the some of the men and women in the Upper Chamber who have been in the news lately have added a whole new dimension to the term a “sense of entitlement”. The highlight was when Senator Nancy Ruth complained about a breakfast served on a flight saying “Well those breakfasts are pretty awful. If you want ice-cold Camembert with broken crackers, have it.”  The last time I had breakfast on a flight I paid $7.50 for a warmed up breakfast sandwich. 
And while we aren’t responsible for the way the Duffys, Wallins and Ruths view what they have in life, we are responsible for our response to what we have.  So in moving ahead with our lives, let’s view where we are spiritually and economically with a sense of gratitude and not a sense of entitlement and figure out how we can share what we have, both spiritually and economically, with those who have less. 

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

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